I recently saw a great blog post about makeup inventory! I thought this was such a good idea because in a couple months you can see if it's grown and what you have more of etc. I am a makeup junkie which is one of the reasons I have so much and I am also a makeup artist and studying makeup at a university so this is why I have a lot of makeup! (I say this now and your gonna read on and think it's a tiny collection! 😂)  I have only done makeup I use on myself for this blog post and have kept my makeup artist kit to one side and my prosthetic kit to one side! I might do a little prosthetic kit blog about what you need and what each product is used for! If you are interested in reading one of those then let me know!

Makeup inventory

Overall: 121
Mac: 15
Nyx: 8
Rommel: 6
Others: 75

Lipstick pallets:
Overall: 5
Mac: 2
Self made: 2
MUA: 1

Lip liners:
Overall: 40
Mac: 8
Nyx: 3
Lovie: 3
Others; 26

Lip balms:
Overall: 12
Body shop: 3
Lush: 3
Vaseline: 2
Others; 4

Eyeshadow pallettes:
Overall: 35
Revolutions: 5
Urban decay: 4
Smash box: 2
Others: 24

Eyeshadows (single):
Overall: 65
MUA: 12
Dior: 4
Mac: 4
Others; 45

Overall: 22
Naked cosmetics: 12
Mac: 3
Others: 7

Overall: 25
Rommel: 8
Benefit: 4
Dior: 4
Others: 7

Overall: 35
Pencil: 25
Liquid: 6
Gel: 4

Overall: 10
Bare minterals:  2
Benefit: 2
Others: 6

Overall: 32
Dior: 8
Mac: 3
Loreal: 3
Others: 18

Overall: 15
Mac: 3 (*one is a 6x pallette)
Benefit: 3
Nars: 1
Others: 8

Overall: 19
Benefit: 2
Beauty uk: 3
Dior: 4
Others: 10

Contour kits:
Overall: 5
Nyx: 2
ABH: 1
Others: 2

Overall: 10
Revolutions: 6
Balm: 1
Urban decay: 1
Others: 2 

I haven't added every makeup product I own but I tried to do sub-sections of what I own the most of! 

Hope you enjoy this post! Thanks for reading!

Tay x

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